MUST Goals and Objectives 2010-2014

The Mindanao University of Science and Technology has now begun growing and improving. Growing in terms of buildings and its other structures and improving in terms of giving quality education. All of these developments were possible because the administrators, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders have been united in achieving one goal. In the MUST web-page I have read their strategic plans for the five years (including this year) of developing the said young university. These are the 10 goals and objectives that they have set.

Goal 1: Pursue Excellence in Instruction.
Sub-Goal A. Aim for Program COD/COE Status.
1. COE in Mathematics
2. COD in Electrical Engineering
3. COD in Information Technology
4. COD in Mechanical Engineering
5. COD in Civil Engineering
Sub-Goal B. Offer New and Innovative Programs.
1. BS in Computer Science
2. BS in Fine Arts
3. Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
4. Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering
5. Master of Science in Chemistry
Sub-Goal C. Continuously Improve Programs through Quality Assurance.
1. Improve/Enhance program offerings through AACCUP accreditation.
2. Attain AACCUP institutional accreditation.
3. Attain Category A -Research in CHED IQUAME Evaluation.
4. Sustain SUC Level IV status of the University.
Sub-Goal D. Widen Access to Higher Education through Non-Traditional Modes of Instruction.
1. Promote and implement CHED’s deputized programs of Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and
Accreditation Program (ETEEAP).

> In my stand, I know this won't be easy, it'll take time, more effort and cooperation. I hope that the university would be able to sustain the the level status they (we) have now and continue improving through accreditation. I think all of this sub-goals is realistic as long as everyone including the students would cooperate in achieving this..

Goal 2: Pursue Excellence in Research.
1. Create an organizational climate conducive to research productivity and address the research priority areas of the six centers: Engineering and Architecture, Technology, Advance Science, Mathematics, Marine
Biomodelling and Mariculture, and Policy Studies, Education and Socio-Economics.
2. Enhance the visibility of MUST in the national and international research arena.
3. Enhance access to research grants from external sources (international, national, or regional research funds).
4. Ensure intellectual property rights registration and licensing agreements for transfer of technologies.
5. Aim for distinctive research awards.

> As a university that aims to pursue a quality research, instruction, production and extension it is a must to have these goals (Goal 2: Pursue Excellence in Research). For the university's great development, research is greatly needed. I hope that the instructors and students would be well trained to conduct good researches not only in national level but even international level. 

Goal 3: Pursue Excellence in Extension.
1. Develop capability and organizational culture for more productive extension activities.
2. Utilize research outputs and package technologies.
3. Build up community outreach through community and campus-based extension projects.
4. Provide consultancy services and expand networks.
5. Aim for distinctive extension awards and implement reward system.

> The university's real transformation should not only be seen in how the institution  was change but also in the way it changed the lives of the community around them, like these goals of building up community outreaches. For me this is realistic as long as there is enough budget and trained individual for the said activity.

Goal 4: Establish the Center of Energy and Environment.
1. Create a research think-tank that will address policy and technical issues related to energy and environment.
2. Become the leading National Research Institute in the fields of energy and environment.
3. Commercialize sustainable technologies on energy and environment.

> Having these goals, I hope that the university would be able to realized these things. It needs money, well trained people, dedicated people, and good research. But it's not really that impossible to achieve these things. 

Goal 5: Promote Student Affairs, Welfare and Success.
1. Attract quality entrants to the University.
2. Promote the students’ wholesome and holistic development.
3. Continuously improve student performance in the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) proficiency exams.
4. Promote the students’ cultural awareness and appreciation of skills in the arts.
5. Strengthen the reward system for student achievements.
6. Provide more scholarship grants to deserving students.

> As a student of this university, we are not only to be trained for the courses/profession that we are enrolled in but we should also be developing other skills and to be developed as a whole ( holistic development). I know this is possible and realistic.

Goal 6: Maximize Library and other Resource Support to the Teaching, Learning, and Research Environment.
1. Upgrade library resources to University standards.
2. Develop and sustain the E-Library.
3. Restructure the library organization and facilities.
4. Produce instructional materials and manuals.
5. Sustain efforts in resource sharing and networking activities with other organizations/institutions.

> This things are very important that it must be available to the students. It is really needed that the library and E-library will be developed so that this will be used effectively in the learning process of the students. Because the students are also paying for these, they must also be able to use the facility as it functions well.
Goal 7: Implement Massive Infrastructure Development.
Sub-Goal A. Construct New Buildings.
1. ICT Road and Powerhouse Science Complex
2. University Dormitory
3. University Student Center
4. University Cafeteria
5. Engineering Building
6. Technology Building
7. Education Building
8. University Library
Sub-Goal B. Renovate Old Buildings.
1. University Gymnasium
2. Old Administration Building
Sub-Goal C. Establish State-of-the-Art Laboratories.
1. Establish and Equip Laboratories for COD/COE Programs.
a. Electrical Engineering Laboratory
b. Information Technology Laboratory
c. Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
d. Civil Engineering Laboratory
2. Establish and equip laboratories to sustain the existing programs.

> How wonderful it is to see the university as developed as this. As the changes arises so do as the needs of the students to learn as much as they need to become a quality graduate and as a professional in their respective fields. These things written that are need to be developed and to be built are not far from reality. Actually there are already buildings that are built, these things are stating to happen.

Goal 8: Implement Massive Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Development.
1. Fully automate management information systems.
2. Upgrade MIS infrastructure (hardware/network capability).
3. Enhance computing facilities in the main and external campuses.
4. Develop technology-enhanced teaching and learning environment.

> As an institution having expertise in the field of technology it is also important that there must have a massive ICT development. Technology is a fast changing field that is why the university must be well updated or should I say it must be in the latest trend in terms of  ICT developments.

Goal 9: Pursue Outstanding Human and Organizational Development.
Sub-Goal A. Enhance Human Resources Management.
1. Recruit, retain and develop outstanding faculty and staff.
2. Promote the health and well-being of the MUST community .
3. Enhance recognition system for excellent performance.
4. Improve HR processes, systems and infrastructure to provide high levels of efficiency, quality and cost-effectiveness.
Sub-Goal B. Ensure Quality in Administration and General Service Delivery.
1. Revise the existing University Code.
2. Implement innovative administrative systems.
3. Maintain excellent physical ambiance of the campus.
Sub-Goal C. Build Institutional Strength and Reputation.
1. Pursue institutional development planning.
2. Create and maintain an organizational culture that supports the vision, mission, and values of the University.
3. Establish the institutional knowledge and data base system.
4. Ensure smooth flow of University news for internal and external audiences.
5. Foster good media and public relations.
6. Coordinate the University image building and branding.

> All of these things are vital things that the university must also have for the total development of the school and its students. Also to have good flow of learning and the relationships in the institution.
Goal 10: Ensure more Efficient and Effective Resource Management and Generation.
1. Manage budget efficiently and effectively to finance the University’s various programs and projects.
2. Maximize income potentials of income-generating projects.

> It is indeed important to have efficient and effective management and generation. All of these plans would not be possible without the capacity of managing the finances and budgeting the money that the university have for these developments. Without money everything will be just a plan on a paper.

I hope that all of these plans of developing our dear university would be soon realized. By the help and cooperation of everyone in the institution and with God's provision, power and strength nothing will be impossible.
Category: 1 comments


dona said...

asa dari ang objective?

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